What does a responsive web design actually mean?
A responsive website design in South Africa means that when viewing your website on a different device other than your laptop or desktop screen. The website is still in proportion of your screen width and height.
Why do I need a responsive web designer in South Africa?
As we have recapped what a responsive website design is, we can go on to ask why would you need it? Usually a website is built with the mobile first technique in mind. Which enables viewers on a mobile device to have just as much browsing freedom, if not more, as opposed to desktop. A study done by statista.com in the first quarter of 2022. Statistics have shown 55.79% of people rather view websites on their mobile device. The second quarter of 2022 it increased to 58.99% which overall is a 3% + increase. We predict that in 2023 the percentage from 58.99% will increase well over the 62% threshold held in 2022 for web design responsiveness.
If your website isn’t mobile responsive we could almost guarantee that all your viewership and potential customer base from mobile will be lost due to lack of good responsive web design.
How do I get a responsive web design in South Africa?
When working with Webfast, we ensure, no matter what package you are on, that your website design will be responsive on desktop, mobile, laptop and tablet. Creating a responsive when design is tricky and time consuming. We like to build our websites on desktop and later optimize it to be relevant on mobile. Website design in South Africa can become costly but follow to the next point to see how our pricing works regarding responsiveness, you might get a relieving surprise 😉
How much would a responsive web design cost in South Africa?
Web Fast Technologies offers a responsive website design for mobile and desktop included on all our packages. Our affordable website design packages in South Africa are accustomed to our South African clientele. We offer a range of services including web design, email & website hosting, domain registration, logo & graphic design, search engine optimization, e-commerce design, printing and more!
Our packages don’t only include responsive web designs, they also include domain registration, hosting and a free SSL for you domain name!
Can I get away with not having a responsive web design?
As mentioned previously, you lose more than half of your viewers when not having a responsive website on mobile. That means that if you were to get an enquiry from 1 person every 100 viewers it would take just under 200 viewers to get 1 enquiry. Think about that. Creating a responsive web design for your website is crucial to the survival of your online success.
In short. You can’t get away with not having a responsive web design. It is simply not a feasible strategy in the long term. That’s why we include all responsive designs into our web design packages.
Is there a downside to a responsive web design?
No, a responsive web design bring only benefits for your website. It enables users to view your website wherever, whenever. So that they don’t have to worry about sitting behind a desk when browsing your website. They can be in the comfort of their own couch, bed, etc.
The only short term problem is that when we create the responsive part of the web design then it might take a couple days extra, depending on the size of your website. But when we design the pages we keep the mobile side in mind.
Final thoughts:
A responsive web design has become increasingly important as time goes on. Who knows what lies ahead in 2023? 2022 has shown us already how big of an impact a responsive web design has and what it could bring to your business. We as Webfast try to give you as much as possible including that responsive design to ensure the best possibility for success when it comes to your website.
We will go above and beyond for our clients to ensure their website is mobile optimized in every aspect.
Feel free to have a look at our responsive web design packages priced for our lovely South African nation. With a month to month payment basis or even a once off packages! Both having their own unique perks. You can ask us anything about our packages by either giving us a call or filling out this quick form via this link.